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Category Archives: Film
Yet Another Use for Twitter
A theater in suburban Chicago is hosting MuVChat, which allows audience members to twitter their thoughts about the movie for display on screen. “I’ve described it as a mash-up of ‘Mystery Science Theater 3000’ and Twitter,” said Rien Heald, the … Continue reading
Coraline Review
Not by me, but so well done I can’t help but link to it. Coraline: Visually Stunning, Morally Complex, Spooky Tale
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William Wilberforce Movie
Coinciding with the 200th anniversary of the British Parliament’s passage of a bill banning the transportation of slaves (February 23, 2007), the movie Amazing Grace brought to the big screen the life of William Wilberforce, a key figure in the … Continue reading
Ethical Theory Case Study
My friend David Cramer has a brief review of Gone Baby Gone posted at CBHD. In the review he points out that the film serves as a case study on ethical theory. One is constantly torn between an appeal for … Continue reading