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Tag Archives: Surrogacy
New Endorsement for Breeders
From the idealized view of surrogacy as an altruistic choice to satisfy an infertile couple’s longing for a child, Breeders moves through the too-often unexamined and disturbing reality of surrogacy. The film takes a compassionate look at the emotional and … Continue reading
New Review of Breeders
The Acton Institute’s Elise Hilton reviews Breeders: Breeders “requires us to re-think what it means to have a child and form a family: is it simply about ‘love?’ Is is about what the adults want? What happens when money changes … Continue reading
Breeders 30 Second Trailer
The countdown to the official release continues . . .
What People Are Saying About Breeders
As we prepare to release our new film Breeders: A Subclass of Women? on Monday, January 13, we are receiving endorsements for the film. Two more: Jennifer Lahl’s eye-opening interviews with surrogates, doctors, psychologists, and advocates across the political spectrum … Continue reading
What People Are Saying About Breeders
As we prepare to release our new film Breeders: A Subclass of Women?, we are receiving endorsements. Here are the first two: Breeders dares to go where few documentaries have dared yet to take us and where the assisted reproduction/family … Continue reading
Wow . . . just Wow
Two really unbelievable items: California Institute of Regenerative Medicine Awards Prize to Poem Equating Embryonic Stem Cell Research With Words of Jesus at the Last Supper And [Indian] Govt proposes womb banks to legalize surrogacy “Infertile couples don’t have to … Continue reading