We’re using #TBT (Throw Back Thursday) to count down the top ten all time most popular posts here at CBC-Network.org.
This week’s entry, #4, is Wesley Smith’s examination of the core beliefs and goals of transhumanism.
From “The Trouble with Transhumanism”
For those who may not know, transhumanism is a Utopian social movement and philosophy that looks toward a massive breakthrough in technological prowess, known as “the singularity,” that will open the door for transhumanists to “seize control of human evolution” and create a “post human species” of near immortals. Don’t roll your eyes. Transhumanists believe in their ageless post human future with a desperate passion that borders on—and often serves as a substitute for—religious faith.
In the media this movement is largely seen as benign, but Wesley digs beneath the surface and points to ways in which their beliefs and their goals are anything but harmless. No doubt such a counter perspective is a large part of the reason why “The Trouble with Transhumanism” is such a popular article here on our site.
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10. “Babies without Sex” by Jennifer Lahl, March 2012
9. “The Giver and Our Not So Dystopian Society” by Christopher White, August 2014
8. “Money Changes Everything” by Jennifer Lahl, May 2012
7. “Message to Governor Bobby Jindal: Women are Mothers not Breeders,” May 2014
6. “Experience of an Anonymous Egg Donor,” April 2010
5. “Thinking About Donating Your Eggs? Think Again,” February 2010
4. “The Trouble with Transhumanism” by Wesley Smith, August 2011
3. 12/11/2014
2. 12/18/2014
1. 12/25/2014